Saturday, August 8, 2015

Anya's Ghost

Anya's Ghost by Vera Brosgol. Graphic novel. Yes, another in my quest to enjoy reading graphic novels. This is one read via a co-worker's recommendation. It's definitely YA. Some inappropriate language for younger kids, smoking featured. Violence, cheating. All these elements are appropriate for the story for the YA crowd, but not tweenagers. (Although, I'm sure it's nothing new to them, but some parents may object.) I really did like this graphic novel and would recommend it as an easy read for a teen. Looks like I'm getting into graphic novels.

The story centers around a teen girl who encounters a ghost. The girl is struggling with many issues teens do in school: being popular, being cool, grades, crushes, etc. The ghost "helps" Anya but soon Anya discovers a secret about the ghost and has to face the truth of what is really going on. FYI...Don't make ghosts mad!

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