Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Nature's Music: Sounds Outside

1. Read story (Bark, George for the animal sounds and general fun).
And many other themed books displayed to look at, talk about, and possibly take home.

Side note: I've heard many others say this is a great read-aloud book for younger kids. It proved great. Kids were laughing and participating in the story. The kids loved saying the different sounds George made. I'm glad I had a chance to read it in a program.

2. Brief discussion of sounds outside we hear, if we're quiet.
3. Guess the bird song video:

4. Make a "duck call" whistle from a straw.

5. Make wind chime of recycled lids, yarn, beads, bells.

6. Make simple bird feeder from Cheerios and pipe cleaners.

7. Go outside on a sound scavenger hunt.

8. Color bird pictures.


Stuck on #5. Kids really wanted to finish these and spent more time than expected on stringing bells and beads. Many kids (grades 1 - 5) had hard time tying knots. Note to self: pre-knot the bells onto end of pre-cut yarn to speed up process. Start a sewing class and teach kids how to make knots!

Better to overplan, but I was disappointed we didn't go outside. It did allow me to give the kids the sound hunt and coloring sheets to take home as family extension activities.

P.S. Straw whistles were a HUGE hit!

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