Friday, June 12, 2015

Tech Tuesday or Tinkerlab?

Coming up with new programs is fun. A theme, the activities, the details. I think planning is exciting, because of the anticipation of the outcome. Seeing the final program, the kids enjoyment, light bulb moments, smiles, even hugs is the icing on the cake. Right now, I'm starting to gather the ingredients to make the cake of a new program.

STE(+a)M and STEM are important to our Youth area and that is why I'm developing a new STE(+a)M program for upper elementary kids. Wanted something casual, almost drop-in, open access style after school. Give kids exposure to different types of technology (3-D printer, snap circuits, littleBits, etc.) we have at the library, but not have it be like a class. I'd like it more experimental, playful, fun. Hopefully, the experience will pique their curiosity and they'll want more.

Next step, catchy name to promote concept. So far I like Tech Tuesday or Tinkerlab. Almost time to bake this cake!

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