Saturday, April 18, 2015

Going Green

The weekend is here and time to do all those things we can't get to during the week. First up, making a grocery list and shopping. Need to get ready for Meatless Monday. This week I'm going meatless in the extreme. 

A patron (there's my library tie-in) told me about the 10 day green smoothie cleanse. I'm going to give it a try.  She told me, you will lose weight, but it will help you feel better too. She is starting it, so I'll have someone to compare notes with. And it is only 10 days. I can do 10 days. 10 days...10 pounds. The worst part will be no coffee. WHAT?! I know, I'm crazy to go 10 days with no coffee, but c'est la vie. The smoothie recipes look easy to make, are healthy, and very green. (Every recipe has a base of spinach or other leafy greens with various fruits added.) Author JJ Smith is selling tons of books (Yay for her!), but remember, it's free at the library. I'll need to put the book on hold to get all the recipes, but here's the one the author made on Steve Harvey and other shows. 

Pineapple Spinach Smoothie 
  • 2 cups fresh spinach, packed
  • 1 cup pineapple chunks
  • 2 cups frozen peaches
  • 2 bananas, peeled
  • 1 1/2 packets stevia
  • 2 cups of water
  • 2 tablespoons ground flaxseeds
  • Optional: 1 scoop of protein powder
Place spinach and water into blender and blend until mixture is a green juice-like consistency. Stop blender and add remaining ingredients. Blend until creamy.
Water, herbal tea, salad, crunchy veggies and fruits, raw nuts, boiled eggs, unsweetened peanut butter round off the choices. There are various versions and recipes online, but I'm going with the original. I'll make updates in the comment section on the results.


Carolyn B. said...

Day 3...I had a chai tea latte and some mac and cheese. The past is in the past. Move forward.

Carolyn B. said...

Well, I guess 10 days was just too much for me. I think I will continue doing smoothies as an alternative to salads, and for snacks. Lost a few pounds, but missed coffee way too much.